Digital Marketing by SoftwarePromotions

Your product will never be ready

Get it out there.

The great software success stories all began their public lives as buggy and quirky. But they were first.

If you’re developing something truly exciting, you need to have released it yesterday.

Being first doesn’t mean that you’ll forever dominate your market. But when the clones and blatant copies appear, you’ll have a better chance than they do. Initially. And assuming you can maintain your pace.

Perfectionism has no place in selling software.

Actually I take that back. Striving for perfection is honourable. But to be a viable business goal it needs to be tempered by realism.

It’s all about today. Make the biggest splash you can.

Unique ideas for your business

The Demystifier puts practical ideas into your hands. You won't find them elsewhere. Original, actionable and insanely effective.

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