Selling in an age of uncertainty

Posted by Dave CollinsGeneral

We live in an age of instant access to an endless amount of information.

The internet means that we can find anything we want in the blink of an eye.

But finding the truth is as hard as it’s ever been.

Most of us at some point have gone looking for medical information online. It’s not a good idea. Those wondering whether their sore throat may be caused by a high pollen count are left worrying about throat cancer. Those looking for reassurance that their child’s poor sleeping habits will settle down are left with the fear of autism. And the unfortunate person seeking a natural means of alleviating their discomfort for haemorrhoids will probably become convinced that an alien is about to burst out of their abdomen. Well, nearly.

Joking aside, I don’t even want to think about the people who should seek professional medical help but don’t as a result of the misleading information they find online.

Our access to unlimited information presents us with more opinions and possibilities than we’re capable of processing. Yet all too often it doesn’t provide us with answers.

It’s fine for remembering the actor’s name in that film you saw last night. It’s good for finding how to make the perfect boiled egg. And it’s great at proving that you were right – Mozart did indeed compose over six hundred pieces of music.

But it won’t give you solid answers to the big questions.

How can I prove that god exists? 2.3 million results.

How can I repair my hearing? 3.6 millions results.

What is the meaning of life? 82.4 million results.

How can I make my car go faster? 256 million results.

I won’t dwell on what this says about our priorities in life: god, hearing, life, then cars.

When you sell a product, solution or service online, the visitors to your website are looking for reassurance. They’re not only looking for information, but also need to know that what you sell is what they need, that it will work properly, that the price is a fair one, that buying from you will be safe, and that they can get it quickly. Essentially, they want to be convinced that they’re making the right decision.

Convince them that the answer to all the above is yes, and I guarantee your sales will improve. Leave the questions unanswered and the your level of sales will depend on how desperate they are for a solution.

It’s common sense, right? So why do so many websites fail to get it right?

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