A number of companies have received a Dear John from Google, over their use of the term “mySQL” in their ads. Google’s trademark policy is at best puzzling, and as pointed out in an earlier post, there appears to be a three-stage hierarchy: Level 1 – companies who direct enough legal heat at Google to make them wince. Sunburnt but … Read More
Ads, interruptions & blood soaked t-shirts
The Social Science Research Network have released a paper that claims advertising doesn’t necessarily negatively impact TV viewing. “Consumers prefer to watch television programs without commercials. Yet, in spite of most consumers’ extensive experience with watching television, we propose that commercial interruptions can actually improve the television viewing experience. Although consumers do not foresee it, their enjoyment diminishes over time. … Read More
Honesty, selling and corruption of the soul
Martin Lindstrom thinks that the internet has become a medium for lies – just like the real estate industry and the used-cars salesmen. He tells the story of a British real-estate chain that chose the strategy of telling the truth – describing property accurately and honestly. According to the article, it worked very well. People began to actually look forward … Read More
Time to retire the 468 x 60
Did you know that the “standard” 468 x 60 ad size has not only been around for more years than I can remember, but is part of the Universal Ad Package (UAP), as published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau? Let’s start with the idea that a body exists to try to ensure that ads conform. Do advertisers like the idea … Read More
Microsoft to Offer Free, Ad-Supported Version of Office
Microsoft has announced plans to offer a free, ad supported version of Microsoft Office 14 when the software is released next year. Stephen Elop, Microsoft Business Division president, explained the idea behind the free version of Office, which will display ads next to the workspace. “There will be ad-based revenue streams. There’s an opportunity to draw those pirate customers into … Read More
Say no to Pspam
Those of you who’ve been following my Trying to work out how to use Twitter antics will already know that I’m still not 100% convinced. Yet would it surprise you to hear that there is spam in Twitter? Probably not. But this is a different kind of spam. I call it Pspam – pointless spam. This is how it works. … Read More
The secret to 1st position in AdWords
Recently, I came across a website of a supposed “AdWords guru”. Through a screenshot on their website, they prove that they got their customer position #1 on AdWords. I am going to let you in on their secret for free. You don’t even have to sign up for our services. I am going to tell you exactly how to get … Read More
Certification and the competency of deceit
It had to happen. Google yesterday announced the launch of a new skills qualification program: “Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ), which allows individuals to demonstrate proficiency in Google Analytics“. SoftwarePromotions is an AdWords Qualified Company, so I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot to make my point. However, as a marketing professional, I have to tip my hat … Read More
Microsoft Testing New Search Engine
Microsoft has confirmed that it is internally testing a new Internet search engine which it has codenamed ‘Kumo’ (Japanese for ‘cloud’ or ‘spider’). At present, Kumo is being tested by Microsoft employees, but the company is hopeful that if all goes well, the search engine could be released for public use by the end of the year. In a leaked … Read More
Drinking, stealing or a bitter failure?
Seth Godin recently wrote a timely reminder about online responsibility. He describes how a friend advertising for a housekeeper Googled three of the applicants, only to discover that one was a binge drinker, one was a bitter failed artist, and the third a convicted shoplifter. He makes the point that anything and everything you do ends up on your permanent … Read More