We all know that the people you target within AdWords are just as important as the keywords you target. At its most basic level, you want to avoid showing your ads to people who can’t purchase what you’re offering. Most AdWords accounts that I have reviewed over the years seem to configure the geographic targeting and never look back. Some … Read More
Find the right keywords
Although money plays an integral part of running an AdWords campaign, you quickly realize that the keywords you choose play a more important roll as to how your campaign’s perform. If you choose the wrong keywords, you may realize that much of it turns into high cost hot air. Using the right keywords, will help ensure that you pay less per click … Read More
Why is Google so mean to SEOs?
I’ve been working with SEO since 1997, and have seen more change over the last two years than the 14 years prior to that. Even if you don’t know the specifics, you’ve probably heard about Penguin and Panda. And in this case, the specifics don’t matter. The majority of Google’s updates have one single purpose: cleaning-up the garbage from the … Read More
Save money on AdWords right now
Anyone using AdWords knows it can be pricey. Lowering your AdWords cost is not as simple as lowering your bids and/or budget. In fact, lowering your bids or budget could hurt the performance of your campaigns making them less profitable. It sounds strange but lowering could, in turn, raise your costs. What if some of your AdWords traffic is off … Read More
Is ranking the SEO metric of yesteryear?
Whether you’re handling your own SEO, working with a reliable SEO company, or just hoping it’ll somehow happen on its own, you probably like to measure your SEO performance. Which is why so many of us monitor rankings for our keywords. The higher the better – more so when we’re above our competition, right? Rankings, however, in spite of how … Read More
AdWords search ecosystem
AdWords acts like an ecosystem of interconnecting and interacting parts. Some advertisers forget the importance of this ecosystem and how each part interacts with one another, which is why they don’t see their AdWords account perform well or they pay more for each click they happen to receive. Advertisers that do understand how they interact within the ecosystem, will give … Read More
White-hat SEO is for the naive?
Hacking has become cool. Actually hacking has already made the transition from cool to mainstream. We’re bombarded with articles and blog posts on hacking your working methods, schedules, sleep cycles, coffee brewing, education, thinking process and more. It isn’t, therefore, a huge leap for many businesses to assume that hacking SEO is a logical extension of the same idea. And the … Read More
AdWords without sales tracking
If you’re running an AdWords account, you need to know how well it’s performing. Is that $10,000 you’re spending each month on AdWords, delivering more in return or are you simply paying for expensive hot air? Google’s answer to that question is conversion tracking. Take a small code snippet and place it on your sales page. Anyone who clicked on … Read More
SEO demystified – an awe**** idea
I just got back from MicroConf 2013, where I had the honour of speaking to an incredible group of entrepreneurs about SEO. My presentation appeared to go down well, yet many will remember it for two reasons. The first was my demonstration of how careful you need to be when giving cash to an SEO consultant. The second was my … Read More
Why gauging your AdWords performance is vital
If you have an AdWords account, it’s crucial you regularly check how well it’s performing. If you don’t, you might as well be running a charity for Google. Here is a list of metrics that should help you gauge how well your account is performing: Conversion tracking In my years of managing AdWords accounts, I’ve come across many that don’t … Read More