Google Waffle and the art of quantity hype

Posted by Dave CollinsGeneral

Google have announced their new DoubleClick Ad Exchange, yet are somehow managing to drown the pertinent facts with an overwhelming quantity of waffle.

The Official Google Blog published a post entitled The DoubleClick Ad Exchange: growing the display advertising pie for everyone last Friday, yet the first nine paragraphs of the entry are little more than lengthy yabbering. A total of 388 words before they even get to the point of “…and today we’re excited to announce the new DoubleClick Ad Exchange, a step towards…

I’m all for good introductions, and have even been known to talk more than is sometimes required. But when nine paragraphs of text are used to introduce four paragraphs of content, something isn’t right.

It might just be that it’s Monday morning, and I’m yet to make my first coffee, but what happened to brevity?

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