DigMyData can save you time and your mind

Posted by Dave CollinsMarketing

My name is Dave Collins and I’m a data addict. Actually screw that. I’m proud of it.

My name is Dave Collins and I love data.

As a company, we measure everything we do. I believe that data is worth more than personal interaction and intuition.

I even have an application on my iPhone to track how well I sleep at night. Er… I just like it, okay?

Google Analytics gives you an enormous amount of information, but what happens to most people when they log into their accounts?

They drown.

There is so much overwhelming information that they have no idea where to begin looking, let alone make sense of what’s in front of them.

Today we have access to more data than we can possibly use. Today we need to know how to make sense of the data.

DigMyData does exactly that – and more. Ultimately it’s an analytical tool for people who don’t like analytical tools:


Forget about spreadsheets. Forget about complicated tables that you need to interpret.

DigMyData essentially does two things.

The first is that it pulls in lots and lots of beautiful data from all your accounts – Google Analytics, Google AdWords, PayPal, Google Checkout, MailChimp, CampaignMonitor, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, your own spreadsheets and more.

The second thing it does it create a chart, showing as few or as many of these data streams as you choose.

By way of a simple example, I have just over 11,000 followers in my Twitter account. And in July this year I decided to see what would happen if I started tweeting more.

Instead of 4-5 tweets a week, I started trying to churn out 40 or more each week.

I ran with it for a few weeks, then looked at the results in DigMyData, starting with the correlation between tweets and traffic to the website:

tweets and traffic


Or not.

The apparent dip in traffic actually came after a three-week spike in traffic. From the middle of July onwards you can see that the number of tweets and the level of traffic do in fact have a bearing on each other.

So the next thing I did was to compare the number of tweets with number of new sales enquiries:

tweets and sales

This was the moment I fell in love with DigMyData. And you should too.

You probably have no shortage of data. Your do, however, have a lack of time to analyse it.

DigMyData allows you to see the correlation between cause and effect instantly.

Imagine trying to compare the effects on sales of spending more on AdWords, with sending out a mass mailing or following-up old sales leads.

These are just two very basic examples and barely scrape the tip of the iceberg.

The best way to see how useful it is is to try it. They’re offering a free extended trial until December 31st, and you’ll be up and running in literally minutes.

I’ve never seen anything like DigMyData. My only regret is that they didn’t bring it out sooner.

Oh and no, they’re not our clients. We just know a great tool when we see one.

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