Regular readers of this blog will have heard me praise ClickTracks before. It's head and shoulders above any other log analysis tool, and believe me I've worked with a few over the years!
Their free version, ClickTracks Appetizer, isn't a trial version, but is instead a stripped down version of their main product. However, on June 8th, ClickTracks will turn on additional advanced features in Appetizer, that coincide with their current instruction topic. See below.
So on Thursday, Appetizer users will have full use of features including the funnel report, robot report, campaign report, advanced labelling and more. And the icing on the cake? This month the funnel report will be available for seven days after the Web Analytics Day.
So if you're not already using a version of ClickTracks, now is the time to do so. And set some time aside on Thursday. Lots of it.
As for the instruction topic, ClickTracks offer regular free online classes. Well worth a look.
The more cynical are probably wondering what the catch is. There's no such thing as a free lunch, right? Right. But there is such a thing as a free snack, and the fact is that you can fill yourself up on free snacks just fine.
The catch doesn't exist, but the product serves as very effective bait. And believe me this bait tastes good!
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