Why do we use the analogy of a funnel for our website visitors? Could it be wishful thinking? A funnel is designed to conduct the flow of liquids or other substances into a container with a small mouth. Rather than pouring the liquid over the mouth and hoping that some of it actually falls in, the funnel channels the flow. … Read More
Mobile is here and you’re not ready
It’s easy to forget that the PC in your pocket is a mobile phone. It’s easy to forget that it’s even a phone. I rarely use the torch/flashlight app, but it still gets used more than the phone functionality of my device. The figures for mobile web usage are incredible: 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners. Amazon, Wikipedia, and … Read More
Ugly? You better be interesting.
The more we need a website, the more we’re prepared to put up with a poor design. Amazon’s layout is famously basic but effective.
Nice meaningless images
The “picture is worth a thousand words” often seems to be taken a little too literally.
3 ways to sell more software (or anything else)
Three ways to sell more software (or anything else). They’re all different flavours of the same idea, but with different degrees of complexity.
What makes a website attractive?
We already know what makes a person attractive: symmetry and (apparently) a resemblance to our parents. The latter is disturbing beyond words. But what makes a website attractive? Probably not symmetry, and certainly nothing to do with our parents. Colour? Use of space? Eye-catching graphics? Clarity? A picture of a grinning model wearing a headset? Probably a combination of most … Read More
Why does no-one visit my great web page?
Too many businesses believe that the people who come to their website are unpredictable. That they’re out of control, entirely irrational and impossible to control. This is nonsense. The people who come to your website can only read the content that you present to them. They can only click the links and buttons that you put in front of them. … Read More
“Help: 60% of my website visitors are bouncing off my main page”
Yes, this was the subject of an email I received last week. Yes, the person who wrote it gave me permission to quote him. No, I’m not going to name him. Before going further, let’s remember the difference between a bounce rate and an exit rate. An exit rate is the percentage of visits to a page that go no … Read More
Google remarketing won’t work for you
When I was in Beijing a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of visiting one of the markets that sells a wide range of goods at “too good to be true” prices. Here’s the script of what generally happens. I walk past a stall selling questionably-authentic designer handbags. Seller: [LOUD] Hello Sir, want to buy a designer handbag? Me: … Read More
Describe what you sell in five words
If you sell software, you probably tell people you meet that you’re a software developer or a programmer. If you tell someone who’s interested in what you sell you talk more about what it does. Today’s challenge is a simple one. Describe what you sell in five words or less.