10 reasons you shouldnโ€™t be using 10 reasons lists for publicity (or anything)

Posted by Dave CollinsMarketing

1 โ€“ Theyโ€™re easy to read, easy to absorb and easy to forget.

2 โ€“ The main message they communicate is that youโ€™re no more original than the other 1.4 billion writers (see point seven).

3 โ€“ They never fail to disappoint.

4 โ€“ Itโ€™s almost impossible to maintain quality. Points 1-3 may be semi-reasonable, but 8-10 will be little more than padding.

5 โ€“ Putting forward ten ideas will result in either barely scratching the surface or drowning in laborious and lengthy detail.

6 โ€“ A worthy idea deserves undivided attention.

7 โ€“ Single digit numbers should/nโ€™t be written as text. Google show 1.4 billion results for 10 reasons, and only 127 million for ten reasons.

8 โ€“ Iโ€™m not the only person in the world to generally ignore any such numbered lists. Statistically one or two of the 1.4 billion lists may have been interesting. Iโ€™ll never know.

9 โ€“ I did tell you itโ€™s almost impossible to maintain quality, right?

10 โ€“ Most are little more than space fillers or promotional plugs.

In short: surely you can do better than just another pointless and crappy list?


Pointless images often feature on pointless lists

Pointless images often feature on pointless lists

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